
What is a Sphero?

Sphero makes undeniably-cool, programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools that transform the way kids learn, create and invent through coding, science, music, and the arts.

Products include Sphero BOLT, Mini, RVR, indi, Specdrums, littleBits, and more. The Sphero ecosystem of tools, content, and curriculum gives kids, teachers, and parents of all learning and coding abilities a blank canvas to solve challenges at home, in school, and beyond.

The Sphero mission is to inspire the creators of tomorrow, and we do that by offering a fun, comprehensive approach to teaching STEAM, robotics, and computer science for kids grades K-12.

What can Sphero Products do?

Sphero programmable robots help kids learn fundamental STEM concepts through play-based learning and educational STEAM activities. You can use Sphero robots to play games, create programs, or complete challenges. Sphero robots are not limited to STEAM, add them into any classroom curriculum for a fun twist in learning.. We offer hundreds of free, standards-aligned activities in the Sphero Edu app and littleBits Classroom. If you can imagine it, Sphero robots can help bring the idea to life!

How do Sphero Products work?

Sphero first started with a programmable round robot ball that evolved into BOLT, our #1 robot used in schools. Since its inception, Sphero has evolved beyond the round robot into other programmable robots, like RVR and indi that drive on four wheels, and littleBits STEAM kits. 

Sphero robots have many different internal parts that make them work such as motors, LEDs, encoders, processors, a CPU and Bluetooth communication module for connecting to phones, and a gyroscope that keeps it oriented. The classic round Sphero shape is similar to a hamster ball, but is about the size of a tennis ball. A small, wheeled robot inside the shell climbs up the walls and pushes them forward, causing the ball to roll. Another key feature of some Sphero robots, specifically Sphero BOLT, is the practically indestructible, waterproof shell. This is made possible through inductive charging. A copper coil in the charging station creates an alternating magnetic field, and another one inside the ball converts that into electricity to power the built-in batteries.

Sphero Edu App 

See the Spheros in action at Santa Sophia

Year 4 Spheros.mp4

Spheros and Space

As part of their learning in Science for Earth and Space, Year 4 students at Santa Sophia created interactive Soalr System Maps and coded a sphero to travel through the Solar System. Stduents had to research about each planet and code their Sphero to share facts about each planet as it navigated through the Solar System. Some students got to share their amazing work at STEM MAD 2023. 

Spheros are available for loan from the Digital Learning Library. 

 Email: lex@parra.catholic.edu.au