Serving and Giving

Ministry Groups

All are invited to share in the church’s mission, whether through service on one of the ministry teams or—for those who like to help, but aren’t fond of committee meetings — an action group that supports their work.

The names of our ministry teams are drawn from Robert Schnase’s book, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, and they reflect five things we are striving to do extraordinarily well as we strive to become the church God is calling us to be. Those teams are:

Passionate Worship, because whether a service is traditional or contemporary, quiet or loud, it should be about passionate praise for a mighty, loving God

Risk-Taking Mission, because we are seeking to serve our community in ways that go beyond what makes us comfortable, by embracing Jesus’ radical call to self-giving love

Intentional Faith Development, because the spiritual formation of kids and adults doesn’t happen by accident; our efforts to educate and nurture God’s people are thoughtfully planned

 Extravagant Generosity, because God’s giving is over-the-top wonderful, and our giving—of time, talent, money, and everything—should be as generous as God’s amazing love

Radical Hospitality, because whether we are welcoming new visitors, greeting old friends, or reaching out to meet our community, we are called to exceed expectations—to love in extraordinary ways

Ministry teams meet once a month on a variety of times and days. Action groups are smaller groups of people empowered to bring life to particular events or ministries; unlike ministry teams, action groups have a specific task and a time limit, and can meet as little or as often as they would like.

If you’d like to learn more about teams and groups and how to get involved, please contact the church office.

Other Opportunities to Serve...

Southern Platte Emergency Assistance Center

SPEAC is a not-for-profit Food Pantry supported by eight local congregations and housed at Parkville Presbyterian Church. Members of our congregation serve on the board and volunteer throughout the week.

Hillcrest Ministries

Hillcrest helps families transition out of homelessness. PPC sponsors an apartment for Hillcrest residents, and we get to know them by meal sharing, budget counseling, and being their friends.


Meals-on-Wheels volunteers participate in a county-wide program to deliver hot meals to home bound seniors. Visit Platte County Seniors for volunteer opportunities with Meals-on-Wheels.

Fuller Center for Housing

The Fuller Center helps families stand on their own two feet with interest-free mortgages on new and renovated homes. A Fuller Center ‘build’ is a sight to see, and folks at PPC love pitching in on these projects.

Park University

Partnering with the Office of International Students at Park, we put together welcome kits for incoming international students, and provide welcome meals as well, as one part of our long-standing connection to the university across the road.

PPC also partners with United Services Community Action Agency to provide school supplies and Christmas Store to low-income students. Contact PPC for more information.