2024 Real Life Camp

It was an amazing week! This year, 136 campers and leaders attended. We saw God working in powerful ways through preaching, small groups, and worship. Many of our students made decisions for Christ. 

We want to remind you about some upcoming camp follow-up events that will encourage our students. If you made the decision this week, please take a moment to fill out our camp decision form found in the link below. Also, please sign up by clicking the link if you are planning to be baptized on July 7th at our Student Beach Baptism.

Weekend Celebration for Outbreak and Overflo! 

We will have testimonies and special video highlights from this year's camp. Parents are welcome to join us.

Outbreak Middle School

Join us Saturday at 6:00 PM.   Come early at 5:15 and join us for a Saturday Meal!

Overflo High School

Join us Sunday at 5:00 PM.

July 7th Beach Baptism

We are excited that you are interested in following the example of the Lord through baptism! The Beach Baptism will take place on July 7 at 5:00 PM at 30 Bay Drive. Register today and be a part of this special event!
