

This week in English, we watched the film 'Coco'. The children really enjoyed watching the film. Please support your child to answer the questions below. 

For example: My favourite part of the film was when Miguel went to the land of the dead. 

Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

Challenge - Explain why by using the word 'because' 


What part of the film did you like? 

What part did you not like? 

What character did you like and disliked? 

Which scene has stuck with you the most? 

Would you have ended the book differently? Did it end the way you though it would? 

If you could change one thing in the film, what would it be? 

What was the most interesting thing you learned from the film?


This week in Maths, we have been looking at whole-part models. 

Please support your child to find different ways of making the number 10. 

For example;


This week in Science, we have been looking at different materials around the classroom. 

Please support your child to go on  a hunt around the house to find objects that are made from different materials. 

For example: The table is made out of wood.