Get The Job

Resume Writing

Your Career Coach can help you write an awesome resume! This presentation covers the basics of writing resumes. Writing a cover letter to go with your resume is also a good idea. Watch the video below for some good tips for your cover letter.


Every interview is different. Some interviews will be casual while others will be more formal. The style depends on the interviewer, position, and company. This presentation will prepare you to do well in any interview, and all PHS students are welcome to schedule mock interviews with Mrs. Shearer. See the video below for some more tips. 

The Thank You 

Always, always, always send a thank you email after an interview. Here's some good tips for doing it right!


Building your network is key to finding the right opportunities. Learn strategies to build your network with this presentation. Students will have an opportunity to practice these skills at the College Fair, Career Expos, and Greene County Job Fair.

When you go to networking events or post online content for your existing network, always try to give more value than you expect to take from your network.