Quick Stop for Student Resources, Support, and Success: Paradise Valley Community College

Who is Success by Design?

Success by Design is a committee comprised of PVCC faculty, staff, and students who work to help students! We identify and promote strategies and resources for student success.

Last year, in 2019-2020, we held events, like Midterm Tent Event, where we had Paws and therapy dogs as guests and gave out snacks with positive affirmations, study tips, and swag!

Now that we are in a mostly virtual environment, we decided creating an electronic newsletter that offers helpful resources and tips to students is a way we can continue to support YOU!

Welcome to Success by Design's Snapshot!

Links to Issues of Success by Design Snapshot

You will find issues of Success by Design Snapshot by hovering over "Issues by Date", selecting the academic year and using the dropdown menu that lists issues by date.

*HINT: Any words that are underlined within the content of Success by Design's Snapshot are hyperlinks.