Classroom Expectations

Course Description:

Welcome to 6th grade Social Studies/ World Geography Eastern Hemisphere! This is course will study the political, economic, cultural, religious, social, and technological changes that occur in the Eastern Hemisphere from early humans to today.

Classroom Grading Scale:

A+ 100 % - 98% / A 97% - 93% / A- 92% - 90%

B+ 89 % - 87% / B 86% - 83% / B- 82% - 80%

C+ 79% - 77% / C 76% - 73% / C- 72% - 70%

D+ 69% - 67% / D 66% - 63% / D- 62% - 60%

F 59% - 0%

Grades for this class will be determined by a 70/30 system. Eighty percent of your child’s grade will be determined by the quizzes and tests your child takes in class. The other twenty percent will be constructed of homework assignments, in class projects and in class activities.

Late work & No Name policy:

If a student doesn’t have their homework the day it’s due, it’s a zero. In addition, that student must serve a lunch detention. Students are expected to make up missed work while in detention. Students turn in the completed assignment to the detention monitor. If the assignment is completed, students will be able to earn back points for missing homework.

Absence Policy:

All assignments are due at the beginning of the period on the assigned date. If a student absent from class, they are responsible for all that was covered in class and what was assigned for homework. Homework assignments can be found on parent progress book login. It is also recommended to have a friend to call if absent to get the missed information. Absent work is counted as missing work until it’s turned in, so as long as the work isn’t done, it counts against the course grade.

Retaking a Test:

All tests can be retaken for an average of the two grades. This must be completed within one week of the original test date and must be initiated by the student themselves.

Homework Policy:

You can find all assignments posted on the website for your particular child's.

Homework is usually collected the day after its assigned and graded within a couple days of collection.

The types of homework for my class varies. Student’s first responsibility is to use their planner. Students and parents should never place full reliance on online homework posts.

Cheating, Plagiarism, and Academic Dishonesty Policy:

If a student is caught cheating on an assignment, any assignment, they will receive a zero (an F) for that assignment. Cheating in any form is unacceptable and parents will be informed. Talking during any point of a test will be considered cheating.

Classroom Expectations:

Follow directions the first time they are given.

Be prepared to learn when the bell rings.

Be respectful in your tone, voice, and body language.

Respect your property and that of others.

Work together, cooperate & always do your best.

Be responsible for your own success.

Classroom Rules:

1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 4. Make smart choices.

5. Keep your dear teacher happy.

Behavior Detentions:

Behavior detentions will be given for any action that interrupts the learning that takes place in each

classroom. Examples include, but are not limited to: tardiness, talking out of turn, not being prepared for class

and any other distracting behavior.

● Lunch detentions will be assigned for the next lunch available (Morning classes will serve detentions that day and afternoon classes will serve the following day.)

● If a teacher writes two detentions during a nine week grading period* to one specific student, that teacher will contact the parents via telephone or email.

● All parents will be contacted by the school if their student serves three detentions per nine weeks*.

● DAC may be given to any student who receives six detentions in one nine week grading period.

● Once DAC has been given to a student every consecutive detention during that nine week grading period may result in more DAC.

Missing Assignment Detentions:

Missing assignment detentions may be given for any student who does not complete an assignment by it’s

due date.

● Assignment detentions will be assigned for the next lunch available (Morning classes will serve

detentions that day and afternoon classes will serve the following day.)

● Missing Assignment detentions do not accumulate and count towards DAC.

Gum Chewing:

Students who are caught chewing gum in my class will receive a behavior lunch detention.