Teaching Tools

About My Classroom

I have a philosophy that learning should be engaging. Below are a list of both tech and non tech strategies I use to make learning engaging: 

We like to start of the class quite often with a "mindful minute". This is assigned to them through google classroom on google forms. Students take a minute to answer the question in complete sentences. We use card decks such as "Be You for Teens" and "Rethink" as well as many websites and quotes. 

Powerful Teaching is a great book that made me rethink some of my teaching. From It we have started the following:

Retreival Guide: Rather than taking notes during a long lecture. We try harder to keep the lectures short and have students complete a quick guide at the end to retreive what they have learned during the presentation. 

Mini Quizzes: Mini Quizzes are low stake (usually very few informal points) usually the day after a presentation and mimic the lesson goals from the retreival guide. 

Big Bucket Quizzes: We use what we call Big Bucket quizzes to help with reteival of information throughout the year. 

A classroom Favorite ! Students answer a variety of questions to earn things necessary to compete against or with their teammates. There are many fun and exciting game modes. Gimkit also has a currency that can be earned to use on different outfits for their characters. 

Screencastify - A great way to film instruction, reading, online lessons the possibilities are endless. 

Padlet - Padlet is a great way to collaborate for students. Students in my class will often use Padlet to post finished links to their assignments. This will allow other students to see everyone's project and extend learning. 

Blooket - Another classroom favorite! Similar to many different online quiz games. Students asnwer questions to win in a variety of modes. Students can also unlock different "Blook" animals that appear by their names. 

Kahoot - Another quiz game where students need to answer questions with speed and accuracy to win. 

Edpuzzle - Add Questions to videos to keep students paying attention and ensure learning. In my classroom I will often use Edpuzzle to ensure students read a section of the book. I will do the reading with the paragraphs visible to follow along. Frequently questions will appear to ensure students are following along and paying attention. 

Flip - Flip ofers students a "social media" style of learning. We use Flip for projects and to students to hear or view what other students have created. 

Google Classroom is used in my class as a digital planner and main learning hub for students. I try to keep each assignment dated and color coded by week. 

Quizizz - Quizizz is yet another fun quiz game will utilize in class. However, I like to use Quizizz for comprehension base assignments. I usually will create a 20 question quiz and require that students retake the quiz until they have acheived a 100%. 

Eduprotocols - We utilize a lot of eduprotocols. These are a fantastic collection of classroom instruction ideas that engage students. In my classroom, we use the "Thin Slides", "Fast and the Curious" and more. 

Quizalize - Quizalize is a fun interactive quiz game that can be played by the whole class. We love the soccer game!

Pixton - Pixton is a fantastic site that allows students to create educational comics. 

OOdlu - OOdlu is a website that allows students to answer review questions and play a variety of games like archery and Space Defender. 

Bingo Baker allows you to quickly create and assign random bingo cards to your classroom. In my class, we use Bingo Baker on occassion for vocabulary practice. 

Quizlet is used in a variety of ways in my classroom. Students will receive vocabulary flashcards to study off of, but also we like to play Quizlet Live quite often. We will play live as individuals. Moreover, we play a variety of live game styles. For example, we play teams in the following: 

Silent mode: Students do not sit by their partners and must remain silent. 

Team mode: They sit with their teams and can help each other out. 

Relay moder: All chromebooks are placed on one side of the desks while all students line up on the other side of the table. Students relay and must find the answer on one of the computers. 


Peardeck - Peardeck is a great way to add interative elements to your google slides. Peardeck can be used as an individual assignment or in whole group. Students can answer questions, as well as, complete diagrams, drop and drags, and mark locations. We also like to use "Peardeck Factory" to practice vocabulary. Peardeck Factory integrates into Gimkit as well. 

Youtube - Youtube is obviously a great resource that many people already know about. In my class we use youtube on occasion with student news, school announcements and content specific media. 

Plotogon - Plotogon is a fantastic app cartoon maker that allows you to create characters and give them the ability to speak dialog that promotes learning. 

Powtoon - Powtoon allows students to create a 3 minute video explaining a topic using the animations created by Powtoon. It will appear as if someone is drawing out each topic. 

QR Breakin - QR Breakin takes several different apps or websites to create a game that usually students will have to finish in a timed matter. In my class, we play classroom clue to figure out what has happened to a fellow teacher in the building. Students complete tasks to get clues and solve the mystery. 

Book Creator - Book Creator is an amazing way for students to show their learning. Students can create a digital book that has weblinks, video, imagest, and built in embeding elements. 

In my classroom, we use a variety of gameshow type review games including; Password, Card Sharks,  and Jeapordy,