Observation Tools

All teaching candidates in the Induction program are required to be videoed to observe themselves teach. After the video, mentors and candidates work together to use the tool below to debrief their video. The observation protocol is only a tool and can be adjusted for the needs of the candidate. Once the video has been debriefed, it can be erased

All Induction candidates paricipate in side-by-side coaching. This process allows teacher candidates to observe exemplar teaching under the guidance of a Induction mentor. At the end of the observation, candidates and mentors reflect on the observation and identify key ideas/strategies to implement in the new teachers classroom.

Approximately every 6 weeks, Induction candidates are informally and formally observed by their mentors. These observations are used to help the set instructional and behavioral goals for their inquiries and measure candidate growth and these implement research based strategies. Formal observations require candidates to provide their mentors lesson plans before the observations and debriefed afterwards. Below is one observation tool used by the program. Additional tools can be found in CHAMPS - Coaching for Classroom Management.