Coronavirus 1

Coronavirus symptoms

The coronavirus is something people are really starting to worry about and you need to know what the symptoms are. The symptoms are very similar to the flu and you should go to the doctor to make sure you are ok. The coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

The symptoms are usually mild, and some people may show no symptoms. These symptoms usually appear between two days and two weeks of exposure to the virus.The disease appears to become more severe with age, with the 30- to 79-year-old age range predominating the detected cases in Wuhan, where the outbreak began, according to a study in JAMA. Children seem to be at less risk of suffering noticeable symptoms of the disease.

What is Social distancing?

by: Alexander Rodriguez

Social distancing is when they restrict a place where people can gather or come in contact with big groups. They do this to try to slow down the spread of infectious diseases by preventing the disease by contact and close proximity. They close down public buildings, canceling events and even schools. They control it by coordinating with local police, and state and federal forces. They started using social distancing restrictions because of a past pandemic they found out that schoolchildren had been infected the fastest because they were in such close proximity to each other and they got it to spread faster than it should have spread. They are able to prepare better when the spread is slowed. Some places that are affected by social distancing measures are colleges, libraries, and businesses. They are affected because they suspend classes making the students take classes on the web and canceling gatherings and employees having to communicate on the phone and not meet in person.


By Antonio Godinez

SARS, [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] first appeared in China in 2002. This virus spread worldwide in just a few months. Luckily, no known transmission has occurred since 2004. The virus killed 774 people,but there were 8098 reported cases. Older people were especially in danger, over half of the deaths were people who were over 65. No treatment exists.

The pain would most likely occur in the muscle areas.People also had fevers, chills, and malaise. More symptoms were respiratory distress, shortness of breath,a cough, infection, or headaches. The virus was commonly spread through infected droplets after someone sneezes or coughs. It can also be transmitted if someone touches an infected object and then touches their mouth or eyes.

Compared to coronavirus, SARS was nowhere near as deadly as the coronavirus has been. Coronavirus surpassed SARS cases in just 53 days. The amount of time it took SARS to reach its final amount was 8 months. So far, there have been 94,718 cases and 3,378 deaths that the coronavirus has caused.


By Diego Azurdia

Shari Forschen,NP,MA (Masters degree in Nursing,University of South Dakota) says that to sneeze properly and save people by guarding your bacteria from others. Is to sneeze into a thick tissue covering your mouth and nose and to dispose of tissues right away.

If you don't have a thick tissue then the best way to cover your sneeze is by using your elbow.

And the point of that is to hold your elbow close to your face and get the sneeze on your close to help contain the sneeze works best with long sleeves. Then you want to wash your hands and not sneeze on your hands. If you have been sick for a couple days you might want to give people space.

Don't hold a sneeze in even though that may seem polite. It's not good for your body. In rare cases people broke their blood vessels and or ribs. If you don't want to sneeze you could suppress the urge for later. If that doesn't work you could create as much space as possible if you feel a sneeze coming. Just to sound polite you may have to work on your silent sneeze and master it so in public you don't create a ruckus.


By Griselda Escandon-Franco

What is Community spread exactly?

Community spread is a spread of an illness for which the source of infection is unknown and people do not know the name of this illness.

It’s also possible that a patient may have been exposed to the illness from a traveler who was already infected.Now the patient has brought back a unidentified illness to their home country or the state they live in and can cause people from their home town to also be exposed with this unidentified illness causing community spread.

An example of community spread is “The CDC has confirmed an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 in California in a person who reportedly did not have any experience travelling and or exposure to another known patient with the same virus of COVID-19.” It continues saying that at that point of time,the patient's exposure was still unknown.This is possible that the unknown virus can instantly spread throughout the whole community and possibly the whole world.The CDC has stated that”Community Spreading can spread in the United States for the first time.”This illness has now been identified by the CDC and is now known as the Coronavirus.

Is Community Spreading something to worry about?

The CDC states that “People should be prepared for disruptions to daily life but that will be necessary if the Coronavirus spreads within communities.” Say for example China is spreading the Coronavirus all throughout their communities and have to deal with wearing face masks everyday.While washing their hands very well to prevent them from getting the Coronavirus.There is nothing to worry about community spread all you have to do is be prepared for it.


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