GUIDING QUESTIONS for Le Demoiselle d’Avignon

  • WHERE is the street located (city, country) that the TITLE of this painting refers to?

  • HOW is Le Demoiselle d’Avignon similar in SUBJECT MATTER to Manet’s Olympia?

  • In the eyes of most art historians, what movement used this painting as a “foundation” to build upon? (AKA what movement arises because of this painting)

  • What two major artistic tools / techniques that artists traditionally use to depict space does PICASSO get rid of?

  • What / Who does Picasso omit from the final painting that can be seen in the preliminary sketch for the painting?

  • How do the women in this painting engage us (the viewer) directly?

  • In some preliminary sketches, what did the medical student hold?

  • The faces of the two women on the RIGHT were inspired by Picasso’s study of what?

  • Does Picasso utilize a coherent style in this painting?

  • How is this work connected to FRENCH colonialism?

  • What is PRIMITIVISM?

  • Consider: How does Le Demoiselle d’Avignon exhibit PRIMITIVISM?