Early Learning

Try This!

  • Spread Shaving Cream on the table and use it to write and draw.

  • Bake cookies and share them with a neighbour in isolation. (Leave it on their porch!)

  • Sort a junk drawer and have explain why you sorted it the way you did.

  • Play dress-up and then act out a story.

  • Draw on the sidewalk with chalk.

  • Make "snowballs" from scrap paper, stuffing or pom poms and play a game of catch.


Answering your young child's questions about Covid-19

Parenting During Covid-19 Triple P - Triple P is a wonderful resource to support parents

Top Parenting Tips for Parents and Caregivers During Covid-19

Home Activities to Promote Literacy Aimed at 4-5 year olds

Home Activities to Promote Literacy Aimed at 2-3 year olds

Books and Activities for Ages 3 - 5

1000 Books Before Kindergarten - wondering what books to read to your preschoolers or kindergarten child? This is a great list of books that kids all love!

Dual Language Books - includes books in English and Arabic, Chinese, Dari (Farsi), Nepali, Pashto, Somali, Tigrigna, and Urdu

How to Raise a Reader

Best Ever No Cook Play Dough Recipe

Great Preschool Activities to do at Home

Science Activities for Preschoolers

Preschool Activity Calendar Age 3 - 5


Hanen YouTube channel - great speech resources for parents

Good Times With Games - TalkBox great ideas for parents

Talking About April - TalkBox great ideas for parents

Talking About May - TalkBox great ideas for parents

Your Three Year Old - TalkBox great ideas for parents

Your Four Year Old - TalkBox great ideas for parents

Your Five Year Old - TalkBox great ideas for parents

Fun Kid Activities

CBC Kids - a wealth of interesting and fun activities for kids