Events with our Keiki

HALLOWEEN VIRTUAL SPIRIT WEEK!!!!- Please post pics at our Facebook, twitter or instagram sites.

From all of us to all of you. We appreciate you all and are so thankful to have you in our lives.

2020 ANTI BULLY PREVENTION MONTH!!!! We celebrated by making posters!!!!

QUARTER 4 Spirit week Activities!!!

Whats cooking Wednesday!!!!! These girls are working together to make dinner for their ohana!!!

What's Cooking Wednesday?...

Jayson is using healthy, garden fresh greens

for his contribution to the family meal!!


Monday- Model Monday, First grader Noe Wilkinson wrote about her role model

Team Tuesday- What group or organization do you belong to? How do you show Teamwork?

Showing Teamwork to create Playdoh!

Repesenting Her girls scout troop #832 ( Pahoa Elementary)

These guys are training for their team

These gals work together as a team

Doing the YOGA Challenge as team mates!!!


PES TEACHERS Working out on ZOOM

Something to get your heart beating!!!

Working his brain

Mrs.Ganot's Family watching Beauty and the Beast For Theater Thursday