
What is weather?

Weather is what is actively happening in the atmosphere at a specific time and place. It is caused by lots of different ingredients, such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, and pressure Some of the most common types of weather are clouds, rain, and snow.

Ingredients of Weather

Temperature: The temperature outside is how hot or cold the air is. The temperature is generally colder in the winter and hotter in the summer. Temperature is measured with a thermometer.

Humidity: Humidity is how wet or dry the air is. It is more humid when it's wet outside and less humid when it's dry outside. Certain climates are more or less humid, such as a desert which has almost no humidity, vs. a rainforest which has very high humidity levels. Humidity is measured with a device called a sling psychrometer.

Precipitation: Precipitation is any water that falls from the sky. It can be liquid or frozen. Precipitation can be measured with a bucket for rain and a ruler for snow.

Pressure: Pressure is the amount of weight the air is pushing onto the earth as gravity pulls it down. Most severe weather happens when there is lower pressure. Pressure is measured with a barometer.

Common Types of Weather

Clouds: Clouds are bunches of water or ice particles floating in the atmosphere. They form when water clumps together in the air. There are different types of clouds, such as Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus. Cumulus clouds are generally very puffy and form low and high in the air. They form in a range of different weathers. Stratus clouds are flat and low to the ground. One common type of stratus cloud is fog. Cirrus clouds are wispy and high in the air. They are very thin and look like the trails from the back of airplanes.

Rain: Rain is water droplets that have gotten too heavy to be clouds and fall back to earth. Rain clouds often from under lower pressure.

Snow: Snow is tiny ice crystals that fall from the sky when the air is cold enough for water to freeze.