What to Donate
Every donation makes a difference. Therefore, we take most everything. Examples would be electronics, games, books, clothing, toys, and office supplies. Please put all donations in the drop-off bin in front of the store. If it is full or an item is too big, put the donations on the Drake House porch. See the lists below before making any donations.
What We Do Not Take:
Expired or open (tamper seal is broken) over the counter medication and contraceptives.
Prescription medication.
Allergy or birth control medication.
Pads and tampons not sealed in plastic wrappers or original bag.
Highly stained ( >5 stains), soiled/smelly, or extremely torn clothing and items.
Large appliances and furniture (Ex. Chairs, tables, file cabinets, desks, mattresses, etc.)*
Rugs larger than 7 x 7 ft
Neon Signs
Unusable, highly scribbled on, or tiny paper scraps
Food (Please donate to Boxer Food Share)
Medicinal or recreational marijuana
Products for marijuana usage and excessive alcohol consumption. (Beer pong sets, kegs, bongs, etc.)
Any state or federally recalled or illegal items.
Weapons (display or otherwise) (Ex. display knives/swords) (Cutlery is accepted)
Firearms, fireworks, and propane tanks
Leaking or unidentifiable containers of liquids, flammable chemicals, and hazardous chemicals.
What We Do Take:
Most clothing (Including kid/baby)
Most sealed (tamper seal not broken) over the counter medication (See "What We Do Not Take") (No allergy or birth control)
Office supplies
Hygiene/bath products
Clean underwear
Most contraceptives and period products that are sealed in original plastic wrappers or bag
Handmade projects or crafts
Sports equipment (not appliances)
Craft supplies
Hangers (Any variety)
Most decorations
Bedsheets (Twin, Twin XL preferred)
We take anything not on the Do Not Take list!
*If you have any questions regarding whether an item is donatable or large items you want to find a home for, please email us at css@pacificu.edu
Sometimes students and the community are in need of certain items. You can help us by donating these high in demand items. See our Wishlist by clicking here. ->