Q. Is the Finders Keepers Free Store only for Pacific University students?

A. No! It is open to alumni, faculty, staff, friends, family, and the community.

Q. What and where can I donate?

A. See the sign on the Drake House porch or Click Here. Put all donations into the drop-off bin just outside the store. If it is full or an item is too big please place donations on the Drake House porch. 

Q. Do you have a place to try on clothing?

A. We do not have a place to try on clothing inside the Free Store, although we have plenty of mirrors if you want to place the garments against yourself to have a sense of how they might look on you. During the academic year Drake House bathroom is open, but only to Pacific University students, staff and faculty. Otherwise feel free to take it home, try it on, and donate it again if it does not fit. Please still fill out the checkout form with any clothes you plan to take home. 

Q. Are you scared of people stealing?

A. While we ask that people respect our "do not take stickers" (on shelving, organizers, etc.) and remain mindful of other people, our policy is that anything else in the free store is free.

Q. Are there security cameras in the store?

A. There is not one inside the store, but there is a camera on the exterior of building near the door. We have never had any security issues in the Free Store or in the Drake House in general. But if you are worried, we recommend you always come in pairs or have personal safety devices on hand and be aware of your surroundings. If you are feeling unsafe, feel free to call Campus Security/CPS (503-352-2230) or knock on their door (they're right next door to the Free Store!). And of course, in an emergency, you can call 911 or the police.

Q. Why is your logo a squirrel and acorn? Does the squirrel have a name?

A. The Finders Keepers Free Store team felt the squirrel best represented Forest Grove and the values of the Free Store. The gray squirrel is known for burying oak acorns. However sometimes these acorns are left uneaten but not wasted as they are able to be transformed into something new like nutrients for the soil or an oak tree. We felt the cyclical nature of this process best matched the cycle of reusing unwanted items. In addition, the city of Forest Grove's oak tree logo and Pacific University students' passion for the squirrels on campus greatly inspired the final decision. The squirrel is named Forest after the wonderful city Pacific University resides in. 

Email us at css@pacificu.edu if you have anymore questions.