Mission #4


Step #1

School email will be a large part of how we communicate this year. If you are unfamiliar with how Gmail works, below is a tutorial video that goes over some important parts of getting it set up properly and using it effectively.

Step #2

If you have not accessed your school email yet this year (within the past 7 days), please do that now.

Step #3

Because email is such a large part of the way we communicate with each other, it is important that we know the proper etiquette to use. Please view the video below on proper email etiquette for students.

Step #4

Using your SCHOOL EMAIL account, please send Ms. Rochford AND Miss Knopp a short email (HINT: place both emails in the "To" field and a copy will be sent to both at the same time).

Your email can be about anything you want and it doesn't have to be long (2-3 sentences at the most). Use the information from the video above to help you properly format your email.

*Proper email etiquette is an expectation throughout the school year.

Step #5

View the video below and see a demonstration of ways that you are able to communicate with other students and your teacher through Google Classroom.

Step #6

Respond to the post on the Class Stream of our Junior High Hangout Class. Share one thing that you like about online school. :)

Take a screenshot of your comment and upload it to your Google Drive. 

Step #7

TO DO: Attach the screenshot of your comment on the class stream that you saved to Google Drive in the previous step and submit it to the assignment post on Google Classroom.