Character Profile

The character profile will be a UI element that pops up when the player clicks another player without any items/powers selected. More info is added to the UI based on actions.


Appears when your mouse hovers over them. For mobile players it will appears when they are close to you and your camera is looking directly at them.

Character Name

The player's name will be hidden on default, however hovering over them will reveal it.


Their health will be revealed here.

Basic Info

Appears when you click a character.


The level of the character.


How old canonically the character has been set as.


Stuff like "Lawful Evil", "Chaotic Good" etc.

Full Portfolio

Appears when you double click (or long press for mobile) a character, or press the "Expand" / "More Info" type button that appears with the basic info UI.

Core Attributes

The core attributes are a list of 3 adjectives which describe the core of the character.


A single sentence describing their backstory.


The username of the account attached to the character.