

The customization of these vehicles will be very similar to that of games like Grand Theft Auto V.


Melee and ranged weapons can be added to your vehicle in various places. Some weapons can only be operated by passengers


The major colors used in the vehicle can be recolored.


This changes the actual shape of the vehicle. The changes can range from something minor like changing the bumper shape, to something major like removing the roof.


When fighting a vehicle it is treated as an extension of the pilot. All passengers are as well.


Players will be able to use the vehicle's attack by pressing a button while driving or in passenger seat (depends on weapon).


Each vehicle has a limited amount of health. The player can purchase armor upgrades, but still if a vehicle takes enough hits it will explode - killing all inside.



An affordable fashionable way to traverse the world.


From luxury vehicles to tanks.

Stationary Aircraft

Stationary refers to the ability for VTOL. Due to the scope of the world we don't have room for runways. These aircraft will be smaller and allow some vertical movement in the map that cars and motorcycles do not allow.


Mechs are the ultimate vehicle, armed and armored to ridiculous measures. They're very expensive and whenever one pops up it is a flat out boss battle.

Vehicle Insurance

When you use a vehicle you pay a flat fee per minute based on the type of vehicle. This fee allows you to respawn the vehicle whenever you like, while restricting you from using truly overpowered stuff indefinitely.