RMHS Graduation Cord
Hello applicant! Here is what you will need to do in order to receive the graduation cord:
If you have completed the first criteria, bring a transcript beginning February 14 and no later than April 8 to reserve a graduation cord. You will receive your cord upon your completion of the last semester of the fourth year of the language after your GPA has been calculated. If your final GPA in your language courses is calculated as less than a 3.0, you will not be awarded the graduation cord. Please bring transcript to Ms. Amon in Rm 59 or to Mr. González in Rm 51.
If you have completed the second or third criterion, please bring your AP or IB score no later than April 8 so that we may reserve a cord for you. If you have not taken the AP or IB test for the course yet, but are enrolled in the class, please follow the instructions in the #1 above.
The difference between #1 and #2 above is that you automatically will receive a cord (after applying for it) if you have passed the culminating test for either class.
Remember, this is the Rio Mesa High School Graduation Cord. One or more of these must be met while at Rio Mesa High School.