Mental health issues like depression and anxiety can be affected by stress, isolation, fear and loneliness. Please reach out if you or a loved one needs support or help.

Free Meditations and Mindfulness Practices from Headspace

The Mighty: Digital Toolkit for Getting Through Uncertain Times

Active Minds: Mental Health Amid a Pandemic

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Mental Health and COVID-19

The Trevor Support Center: Resources and FAQs for LGBTQ+ students and their allies

Mayo Clinic: Covid-19 and your Mental Health

Anxiety 101 from Anxiety Canada

Honor Community Health - Oakland County Resources (English OR Español)

Crisis Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 24/7: Call 1-800-273-8255 or Text HOME to 741-741

Michigan Peer Warmline - 10am-2pm: Call 1-888-733-7753

Michigan Crisis Text Line - 24/7: Text RESTORE to 741-741

Honor Community Health - Oakland County Helpline - M-F (9am-4pm): Call 248-897-0722

Seize the Awkward

Worried about a friend but you don't know how to ask? Visit Seize The Awkward for some tips about how to start the conversation.

Tips for dealing with anxiety from OHS School Psychologist Mrs. Kelley

How Are You, Really?

The Mental Health Coalition is a group of influential organizations, brands, and individuals who have joined forces to end the stigma around mental health and to change the way we talk about, and care for, mental illness.

Hear the Real Stories when people are asked, "How are you, really?"

Join celebrities and people around the world by answering the question, "How are you, really?" on social media.

Tag #howareyoureally #wildcatwellness #ohsconnects