Residential Life

22-23 Residential Experience Infographic.pdf

Resource: Helping Students Navigate Conflict(s) in Their Living Space

Every year at around this time, Residential Life sees an uptick in conflict among roommates and residents in our residential communities.  To prepare for this, we have individual conversations with students (OWU Chats) about conflict management skills they can use when they inevitably encounter conflict in their daily lives.  Additionally, we post conflict management information on every floor and encourage roommate groups to complete a roommate agreement, which provides them with a platform to discuss points of conflict in a living situation we typically see each year.  

Regardless of these efforts, there will be students who do not know how to navigate a conflict they are experiencing.  If you are interacting with a student who is experiencing conflict in their living environment, here are some things you can encourage them to try: 

If a student has tried these things but has not been able to resolve the conflict, encourage them to speak with their Resident Assistant or Moderator.  Our student leaders have been trained in conflict mediation and can both assist the student in navigating the conflict or can help serve as a mediator between the two parties in conflict with one another.