Is Your Child Interested In Playing Collegiate Level Athletics?

Having A Plan!

For students aiming for College Athletics, a plan is vital. This means excelling academically, honing skills, embracing the physical and mental demands, and building coach relationships. Know the academic offerings and sports programs at potential schools, and decide the level you're targeting (D1, D2, D3, NAIA, or JUCO). Understand what these terms mean if you're unsure. The key question is: Will I put in the necessary work during high school to be prepared? Be realistic, avoiding unrealistic dreams. Coaches don't want to dash dreams, but it's crucial to assess athlete skills and athlete effort realistically. Focus on strengths and limitations to pursue fitting opportunities. 

NCAA Eligibility Center

If your child aims to pursue NCAA athletics (D1, D2, or D3), they must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Create an account, input details, and keep login info. Completing the profile may take time; updates are fine. Get an NCAA ID# at the end – note it with login info. The process verifies academic and amateur athlete status. Initial fee applies, no extra costs. Email questions to 

To register with the NCAA Eligibility Center, a prospective college athlete should:

Following these steps enables prospective college athletes to initiate the NCAA Eligibility Center process efficiently.