Discussion Questions

Let's Chat!

Below you will find questions to discuss as a class for each chapter in Gooseberry Park. Chat about them as a class, in a group, or with a partner!

Chapter 1

  1. What is a treasure? Kona and Stumpy have different ideas about what is a valuable treasure. What do you think makes something valuable? Can you think of anything that is worth MORE to you than money?

  2. Stumpy is a collector. Do you have a collection of any kind? Why do people collect things? What sorts of things do people collect? How can people's collections represent their personalities?

Chapter 2

  1. Kona says, "Well, not real babies like dog babies." What does he mean by that?

  2. Kona isn't terribly fond of dogs. Why? Is this unusual? What does this tell you about Kona?

Chapter 3

  1. Where were you born? Research the birthplace of all of your classmates. Locate the place on a map. Who was born the furthest away? Were any people born in the same place? Isn't it interesting that you all ended up in the same class together?!

  2. What made Kona stand out among the many other puppies? What does this tell you about Kona? How would you have made your choice?

Chapter 4

  1. Murray is nocturnal. Do you know any other animals that are also nocturnal? Can people be nocturnal?

Chapter 5

  1. Kona wishes he could be "remarkable." What do you think he means? Name some things you think are remarkable. What makes something or someone remarkable?

Chapter 6

  1. How did Stumpy think of her babies' names? Have you ever named a pet to match their personality? Does your family have any nicknames that they use for one another that match their personalities? If your name was assigned to you now to represent something about you, what might your name be?

  2. Think about how small a human baby is compared to a full-size adult human. Using this comparison, how small would a baby squirrel be compared to a full-size squirrel? Wow! Tiny!

Chapter 7

  1. "But what they were about to face was danger none of them could have imagined." Wow! It sounds like trouble is coming. What is the author doing here? Does the author give any other hints in this chapter that something serious is about to happen?

  2. Explain how the ice is making the trees fall.

Chapter 8

  1. Why is this icy journey so dangerous for Kona? Why is he willing to take such a "very big risk?" For whom would you take a "very big risk?" Who would take that kind of risk for you? Why?

Chapter 9

  1. After the long journey home, Kona was so relieved and grateful to see Professor Albert's house. Can you explain this feeling? Have you ever been so thankful to see your house after a long journey? Tell about that experience.

  2. How do you think Murray knows about television?

Chapter 10

  1. The owl told Kona, "She is wandering, my boy, and no one can find a wanderer. The wanderer must first find you." Owls are typically very wise. What do you think he means by this advice?

  2. Kona was, "heading back to his home on Miller Street, wishing it were Paradise." What does that mean? What other, deeper, meaning could this sentence have?

Chapter 11

  1. Professor Albert thinks the past 24 hours have been very strange. What strange things has he noticed?

Chapter 12

  1. What does Professor Albert think is happening to all of his food? What is really happening to all of his food?

  2. Describe the scene in the basement after Professor Albert goes to bed. What do the friends do each night?

Chapter 13

  1. Explain how Kona got the attention of the weasels.

  2. What could Kona use as a sign for Stumpy to see?

Chapter 14

  1. What do you think of Kona's plan to get Stumpy to come to his house? Do you think it will work?

  2. Do you have any wise friends? What makes them wise? What is the difference between being smart and being wise?

Chapter 15

  1. How is Kona planning on using the watch to find Stumpy? Do you think his plan will work?

  2. The author used the term "muckraker" in the title of the chapter. Discuss what that term means and why it is appropriate for the chapter title.

Chapter 16

  1. Have you ever been to a reunion? Tell about your experience. Have you ever been reconnected with someone after not seeing them for quite a long time? Tell about your experience.

  2. Murray kept himself occupied by making lists: things that are green, things that are yellow, etc. See if you can create some lists in your class. Keep adding to the lists every day. How long will they get?

Chapter 17

  1. Stumpy found a large group of chocolate Labradors, but they were not very friendly to her. Why not? Why did this surprise her?

  2. Stumpy's favorite technological wonder is the television. What is yours? What electronic device in your house could you not live without?

Chapter 18

  1. How did Murray get Professor Albert to open all the doors and windows? Why did Kona need this to happen? Imagine that scene!

Chapter 19

  1. What is your favorite Murray story?

  2. When was Kona the most heroic?

Questions provided by: https://readtothem.org/ for 'One School, One Book'