School Routines

In Person Schedule

1st - 5th 100% Schedule.pdf
Kindergarten 100% Schedule.pdf

Arrival Procedure

Kindergarten Entrance & Exit

1st Grade Entrance & Exit

2nd & 3rd grade Entrance & Exit

4th & 5th grade Entrance & Exit

During the COVID -19 pandemic, it is our goal to ensure we can provide a rigorous and engaging education for every child.

For our students choosing the In-Person Instructional Model, safety is one of our major requirements to provide for students, staff, and families coming onto campus. In order to make sure every person on the Westmont campus is safe and healthy, there will be several stations for temperature checks. Collecting temperature data is not public information and will not be recorded. Any person with a temperature of 100.4 or above will not be allowed to enter the school campus.

Daily temperature checks are given to assist school staff in identifying individuals who may be experiencing COVID like symptoms.

Screening at Home.

Each day before arriving to school, students and staff are expected to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms (see Student Symptom Decision Tree on page 7 and Staff Symptom Decision Tree on page 8).

Students or staff experiencing COVID-19 symptoms must stay home.

Parents/guardians or staff members need to notify the school/department as soon as possible regarding the absence and be prepared to answer questions regarding symptoms.


Students proceed to gates that have been identified by grade level when they arrive. A parent or guardian should remain until his/her child is cleared to enter school grounds. A staff member will point to posted screening questions and ask if any answers are yes.

  1. Are you currently experiencing any new or unexpected COVID-19 related symptoms?

  • Fever or feeling feverish (chills, sweating)

  • New cough

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Sore throat

  • Muscle aches or body aches

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • New loss of taste or smell

  1. Is anyone in your household presenting new or unexpected COVID-19 related symptoms?

  2. Have you recently had close contact (more than 15 minutes within six feet) with someone who is ill or presenting COVID- 19 related symptoms?

If the student or parent/guardian responds with a positive response, the on-site Health Technician will be notified for further evaluation. If all responses are negative, the student will proceed to Step 2.

Students using district bussing will be screened prior to entering the bus. Those students will be able to proceed on campus without going through the process a second time.


A staff member will take the students temperature using a no touch thermometer. Students that have a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be asked to wait off campus and have the temperature taken again 10-15 minutes later.

Late students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to Gate 1 (kindergarten entrance) to complete Step 1 & Step 2 before entering the campus. Students that arrive after 8:30 should proceed to the office.

No person will be allowed to enter campus without wearing a mask or having their temperature checked.

STEP 3 - Lining up on blacktop

After a student is approved to enter the campus, they will follow the directional markers on the ground to the playground where they will line up by teacher name. Teacher names will be listed on the blacktop. Students will stand on predetermined dots designated 6 feet apart. Students will be supervised by a credentialed teacher. Classroom teachers will meet their class and escort them to their classroom when the bell rings at 8:00am.

Dismissal Procedure

Step 1 - Releasing Students from Class (K-5)

Teachers walk students from the classroom using directional markers to the same gate students entered at the beginning of the day. Students will be released to a parent/guardian or allowed to walk home if appropriate.

Parents are requested to use social distancing guidelines outside the gates while waiting for students.

Students leaving by car will be brought to the carline and assisted by a staff member to reunite with their parent/guardian.

Students leaving by bus will be accompanied to the bus by staff.

Preschool staff will release students directly to a parent/guardian unless they take a district bus.

Social distancing will be observed at all dismissal points.

Step 2 - Late Pick Ups

Students not picked up on time will be brought to the kindergarten gate or office by staff for late pick ups. The parent/guardian will be required to go to the kindergarten gate to pick up their student.