Y4 Maths

 Year 4 Overview 

What units will my child cover and when?

Y4 Overview
Power Maths LKS2 Calculation Policy (3).docx

LKS2  Calculation Policy 

power_maths_presentation_for_parents (2).pptx

What is Power Maths?

Year 4 overview

Maths Assessment_Y4 CPP.pdf

Core objectives my child needs to know by the end of Y4


By the end of Y4 children are expected to recall multiplication facts up to 12x12 quickly and automatically.  Your child will have a multiplication test ever Friday on the times tables they have been learning that week. 

Video Guide to TTRockstars 

Parentletters-parentletter (2).docx

Parent Guide to TTRockstars 


Multiplication Check information