Performing Arts -Music & Drama

Drama and Music Department Presents "East Side Story"

I, Steven A. Reaves, the head of the Drama Department, and Keenan Foster, the head of the Music Department are producing an adaptation of the Broadway musical, "West Side Story". "West Side Story" showcases the rivalry between two gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, in New York's west side. In the midst of the rivalry, Tony, a member of the Jet's, and Maria, a sister of the leader of the Sharks, fall in love. The musical chronicles Tony's and Maria's forbidden love and the challenges they must face to stay together. We need actors/actresses, stage managers, sound and light technicians, make-up and costume artists, props person; assistant director; and more. Dates for the auditions and performances are to be determined. For the auditions, you will need to (1) sing a song; (2) present two monologues, sixty to ninety seconds apiece; (3) learn a piece of dance choreography; and (4) read for a character in the play. We have 25 male parts and 14 female parts. Mr. Foster and I are looking forward to meeting each and every one of you and to put together our first major musical theatrical production!

Drama link:

Drama Google Classroom Codes:

Advisory: mn4wnma


  • Drama 2 u2inadq

  • Drama 4 xhph7xo

  • Drama 6 kh54tam

Course Objectives


Creating, Performing, and Participating in Theatre (Formal, Informal, and Electronic media productions)

  • Apply processes and skills in (1) acting, (2) directing, (3) designing, and (4) script writing

Students will know the following:

(1) the structure of a musical script

(2) dramatic structure

(3) the rehearsal process leading up to the performance of a musical

(4) scoring a script: beats, blocking, objectives, obstacles, vocal inflections and emotional mappings

(5) professionalism in the theater

(6) the process towards memorizing the play


In order to prepare for the auditions for East Side Story, each student will prepare, practice, memorize and perform:

(1). Two monologues: comedic and dramatic

(2). One song

(3). A piece of dance choreography

During the auditions, each student will

(1). Thoughtfully complete the audition form

(2). Read the lines for the characters, which one is interested in playing

(3.) Read the lines for the characters chosen by the director

Vocabulary Words for the Unit (Act 1):

Literacy Skills:

Academic discussion

Reading complex texts

Writing with evidence

How To Do Your Best at the Auditions!

Take a nice headshot!

Create a resume and cover letter.

Give headshot and resume/cover letter to the director.

Sing your chosen song

Be prepared to dance!!

Be prepared to read a character's part for the director!

Listen for Callbacks!!

Week One 8/10/20-8/14/20

  1. Introduction and Orientation

  1. Explore the following sections in Google Classroom: "Videos and Scripts for West Side Story (East Side Story)".

  1. Choose two monologues from the "Daily Actor" website

  1. Vocabulary for the week:



gangs/gang violence

police sirens

police spotlight



The show is cast!


Rehearsal: Blocking

Rehearsal: Choreography

Rehearsal: Singing

Rehearsal: Run-throughs

Rehearsal: Run-through of the whole show

Costume Parade

Tech Rehearsal

Dress Rehearsal


End of the Show!! Strike the set and attend the cast party!!

Time Management


5 Performance Criteria for Professionalism
Professionalism Rubric



Quality of Work

McCallum Fine Arts Academy Production of West Side Story

Choreography to the "Jet Song"

Watch these dancers do the "Mambo" and the Promenade!!

Week 2:

Advisory: Complete personal SMART Goals and know the rules of professionalism

Drama: Know the rules of professionalism in the theater; Go over the audition process described in this website; Study the audition form; choosing your monologues for the auditions.