Not Homework

Looking for something to do that isn't homework?

Try some of these activities to fill your time!

Origami Monster Bookmarks

Super easy to make! All you need is one piece of square paper, a little bit of scratch paper, and a pen or pencil to make a monster bookmark. Use your imagination to decorate it or make it into an animal or person!

(Special thanks to Greenleaf art teacher Angela Baker for sharing her excellent printable instructions!)

Almost the same as playing Connect 4 in the library! Ok, maybe not. But still a challenge. Checkers, Chess, and Mancala available too!

What are the Grizzly Bears up to now? And what exactly is that Elephant eating?

Learn how to train like an astronaut or make a cardboard Rover!

Relax with the Pacific moon jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They have penguins, sharks, sea otters, and more!