Create a Documentary Clip: Draft a Documentary Script

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Grade 7_ Module 4_ Unit 3_ Lesson 4

Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.1 (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Triad Action Plan - W.7.4, W.7.5 (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Draft a Documentary Clip Script - SL.7.4 (25 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Action Plan: Students continue to work on their personal action plans. Students record their plans, research, and actions they've taken in their action plan journals, including at least one new note in the final research or results section.

B. Complete the Script: Students complete their script as necessary.

Daily Learning Targets

Lesson Prep

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.1 (5 minutes)

"Share with your triad where you placed your sticker on the Action Plan Progress anchor chart." (Responses will vary.)

"Given that there are two more lessons and days of homework on this assignment, discuss whether or not you are behind schedule, on schedule, or ahead of schedule." (Responses will vary.)

"What strategies do you have for completing the steps in your action plan if you are behind schedule?" (Responses will vary, but may include doing additional work on the project in the next two nights.)

"What ideas do you have for extending the work of your action plan if you are ahead of schedule?" (Responses will vary, but may include trying out another action plan that is related, such as giving up plastic straws and plastic bags.)

"What work do you plan on doing on your action plan for the next two nights?" (Responses will vary, but may include interviewing a restaurateur and journaling about how it felt to use less plastic.)


For the opening activity, students may be reluctant to self-assess in public. Allow those students to respond privately by recording their self-assessment on a sticky note.

For the opening activity, ensure students understand the task before asking them to complete it. Use mime and repetition to explain the task. Allow students who are reluctant to self-assess in public to respond privately by recording their self-assessment on a sticky note.

Work Time

A. Triad Action Plan - W.7.4, W.7.5 (15 minutes)

"I can collaborate with my group to strengthen our documentary script by planning and discussing how to focus on purpose and audience."

"What information about the action plan will you include in your documentary film script? What key ideas and details will you include to explain your action plan?"

"What is the argument your are making in this documentary film clip about how to solve the problem of plastic pollution? What information from your research do you need to include to make your argument strong?"

"What key ideas and reflections do you want to include in the conclusion?"

"What is the purpose of the documentary film clip?" (To convince others to take an action to stop plastic pollution.)

"How and where should the purpose be addressed in the documentary film script?" (Responses will vary.)

"Who is the audience for our documentary film script?" (Responses will vary.)

"How and where should the audience be addressed in the documentary film script?" (Responses will vary.)


In Work Time A, encourage students to use some of the triad action plan time to discuss their ideas for each section of the rest of their documentary script, recording their ideas on the Documentary Script Planner. Oral rehearsal ensures students can articulate their ideas.

See For Lighter Support. Additionally, for students who require heavier supports, provide the sentence frames from the Closing and Assessment A support below for them to use as they discuss their ideas. 


A. Draft a Documentary Clip Script – SL.7.4 (25 minutes)

“I can write my documentary script with claims and findings, emphasizing important points in a focused, clear manner.”

“I can write my documentary script with key descriptions, facts, details, and examples.”


Encourage students to use the corresponding section of the Model Documentary Script as a template for their own writing. Provide sentence frames from the model script for students to form the sentences for their own script. As necessary, work with students to identify which sentences would work in their own script, or provide sentence frames such as the following:


Do you know . . . 

According to . . .

There are many forms of plastic pollution, but let's just focus on . . .

. . . writing for . . . reports that . . .

Also, . . . 

It is clear that . . .

Action Plan:

Thinking about what to do about plastic pollution can be . . .

But the more I researched, the more it seemed the best way I could start to reduce plastic pollution was by . . . 

I knew from my research that . . . 

So here's what I did . . . 

In fact, I even found . . . 


It felt good to . . .

In order to keep myself motivated, I . . . 

It also helped to . . . 

According to . . . 

In my research, I found that . . . 

I will continue to . . . 

I will . . .