Create a Documentary Clip: Combine Leads

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Grade 7_ Module 4_ Unit 3_ Lesson 3

Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - L.7.3a (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Combine Narrative Leads - W.7.5 (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Work on Action Plan - W.7.7, W.7.8 (20 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Continue Action Plan: Students continue to work on their personal action plans. Students record their plans, research, and actions they've taken in their action plan journal, including at least one new note in the final research or results section.

Daily Learning Targets

Lesson Prep

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - L.7.3a (5 minutes)


On the entrance ticket, challenge students to first grapple to try defining the vocabulary from the context of revision and using word parts. Then they can use a dictionary to confirm their guesses.

On the entrance ticket, encourage students to use ELL or translation dictionaries to define the words and work in pairs to share their understanding of the meanings. Doing so will ensure comprehension and allow for oral language practice.

Work Time

A. Combine Narrative Leads - W.7.5 (20 minutes)

"I can work with my peers to strengthen the narrative lead of our documentary script."

"I can choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy." 


In Work Time A, challenge students to model revising for precision, concision, wordiness, or redundancy by sharing a before and after sentence, explaining why they made the changes. 

In Work Time A, students may still be reluctant to share their narrative leads with their triad. Encourage them to reread their leads and choose the best sentence or section that they feel comfortable sharing. Or, if time allows, work with students to edit a sentence or section to ensure they have a best sentence they feel comfortable sharing.


A. Work on Action Plan - W.7.7, W.7.8 (20 minutes)


During Closing and Assessment A, encourage students to explain the steps of the research process that they used in Modules 1 and 2. Challenge them to use a self-assessment technique (such as Thumb-O-Meter) to determine which mini lessons they need to attend. 

As in the lighter support, during Closing and Assessment A, draw students into a small group and ask them to work together to explain the steps of the research process. Prompt and guide students as necessary. Then give brief review mini lessons on any steps that were unclear to students to ensure they understand and can successfully conduct all the steps of the research process.