Create a Documentary Clip: Analyze a Model Documentary

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Grade 7_ Module 4_ Unit 3_ Lesson 1

Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - RI.7.1 (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Review Documentary Techniques - RI.7.7 (10 minutes)

B. Analyze a Model Documentary Script - SL.7.4 (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Form Documentary Triads - SL.7.1 (10 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Begin Action Plan: Students consider and solidify their personal action plans. They research a solution to plastic pollution, write letters to a government official or agency, or carry out a personal action. Students record their plans, research, and the actions they've taken on Homework: Action Plan Journal. Students complete all sections of the action plan journal, including one note in the final research or results section, which will be added to throughout the unit as their action plans progress.

Daily Learning Targets

Lesson Prep

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - RI.7.1 (5 minutes)


Students may be overwhelmed by the amount of text on the entrance ticket. Before reading, ask students to draw on their previous experience to Think-Pair-Share about what they recall about the performance task for this module. Then allow extra time for students to read and respond to the entrance ticket prompts.

See For Lighter Support. Additionally, allow students who require heavier supports to read and respond to the entrance ticket in pairs. As necessary, draw together a small group of students to read aloud the entrance ticket and model responding to the prompts.

Work Time

A. Review Documentary Techniques – RI.7.7 (10 minutes)

“I can explore a model documentary and generate ideas for my own documentary clip.”

“How do you think the filmmakers did and didn’t use a script to plan and prepare for this clip? What words and dialogue could the filmmakers plan for and which couldn’t they plan for?” (The filmmakers likely used a script for their voice-over narration. Greg most likely planned on asking people at restaurants for different containers from plastic, but he couldn’t have scripted those parts because he didn’t know what the other people would say.)


During Work Time A, consider whether students would benefit from multiple viewings of the video clip and/or the English subtitles displayed while they view. These supports ensure students can focus on techniques rather than content.

B. Analyze a Model Documentary Script - SL.7.4 (25 minutes)

"I can determine the purpose and content of an effective documentary script about plastic pollution."

"What is this script about?" (It is about how one person realizes how much plastic she is using and decides to stop using plastic for takeout food.)

"What habits of character did you see in this script? Who demonstrated them? What did they look/sound like?" (Answers will vary, but may include: The narrator of the documentary shows initiative and perseverance in deciding to stop using plastic to carry her food. She also helps to make a better world by taking an action to reduce plastic pollution.)


During Work Time B, encourage students to record the gist of each section in the margins of the Model Documentary Script. They can share these gists with classmates who need heavier support and together they can highlight the key ideas in the script. This partner work ensures comprehension and recall of the key details of the script. 

Also, during Work Time B, challenge students as they read the Model Documentary Script to identify and explain language structures from Language Dives throughout the module, such as modifying phrases and coordinate adjectives. They can share these examples with their classmates who need heavier support, identifying the nouns that these phrases or adjectives modify. Reviewing language structures in new contexts ensures mastery.

After Work Time B, invite students to participate in a Mini Language Dive in small groups to explore a sentence containing an idea that clarifies evidence to support a main claim in a documentary script. The sentence also provides an opportunity for students to examine how declarative language (It is clear) followed by a that-clause is used to clarify evidence to support a main claim.

During Work Time B, encourage students to record illustrations in the margins of the Model Documentary Script. They can share these illustrations with classmates who need lighter support and together they can highlight the key ideas in the script. This partner work ensures comprehension and recall of the key details of the script.

Also, as necessary, draw a group of students together to model identifying the author's purpose and writing elements in the first two parts of the Model Documentary Script to gradually release students to work in small groups to identify the author's purpose and writing elements in the second half of the script. The gradual release allows students to learn and then practice the skill of identifying author's purpose.


A. Form Documentary Triads - SL.7.1 (10 minutes)


Ensure students understand both the activity of voting for a personal action plan by moving to one of the four corners as well as what each action plan entails. Explain the activity and action plans, then ask students to Turn and Talk to review them with a partner. Circulate to identify and correct any misconceptions. Having students reiterate the directions will ensure they can participate fully in the activity. 

See For Lighter Support. Additionally, use modeling, and think-alouds such as: If you are interested in trying to recycle, reduce, or reuse more in your own life, your own house, move to this corner. If you are interested in researching or reading more about an invention to help with plastic pollution, move to this corner. Etc. Once students understand the activity, they can participate fully in it.