During MP 1&2
During MP 3&4
During MP 5&6
The 2022-23 OUSD Scope & Sequence includes 2 common modules and 1 recommended module. These modules were selected by an ELA Steering Committee with representatives from 6-8 programs across the district, and informed by teacher preferences as indicated in a survey. More than half of returning teachers participated in the survey, and the scope and sequence includes the 3 most preferred modules.
Modules were placed into the scope and sequence in order to ensure:
One common module focused on fiction and one on nonfiction core text.
Maximum attention of the Priority ELA Instruction Content over the 3-year course sequence.
A realistic pacing calendar that supports student standards mastery as well as the learning time needed to use a new curriculum.
Within each module there are 3 units, and and within those units are 11-14 hour-long module lessons. Module lessons are designed as 45 minutes of daily instruction, and are adapted to the variety of OUSD 6-8 schedules.
Designated ELD is a protected time for English Language Learner (ELL) students to interact in meaningful ways as they learn about how English Works (See CA ELA/ELD Framework). The 6-8 d-ELD curriculum was created by OUSD teachers to amplify the learning from the core ELA curriculum. They build language knowledge in preparation for the Unit and Module written tasks and focus on skills required by the CA ELD Standards with an emphasis on the Part 2 Standards.