Create a Documentary Clip: Revise the Script

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Grade 7: Module 4: Unit 3: Lesson 5

Lesson Synopsis

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.1 (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Triad Action Plan - W.7.4, W.7.5 (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Combine and Revise Documentary Script - SL.7.4 (20 minutes) 

4. Homework

A. Action Plan: Students continue to work on their personal action plans. Students record their plans, research, and actions they've taken in their action plan journals, including at least one new note in the final research or results section.

B. Independent Research Reading: Students read for at least 20 minutes in their independent research reading text. Then they select a prompt and write a response in their independent reading journal.

Daily Learning Targets

Lesson Prep

Lesson Plan


A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.1 (5 minutes)


Students may be overwhelmed by the amount of text on the entrance ticket. Before reading, ask students to draw on their previous experience to Think-Pair-Share about what they recall about the habits of character they have learned and practiced throughout the year. Then allow extra time for students to read and respond to the entrance ticket prompts.

See For Lighter Support. Additionally, allow students who require heavier supports to read and respond to the entrance ticket in pairs. As necessary, draw together a small group of students to read aloud the entrance ticket and model responding to the prompt by circling one or two habits of character.

Work Time

A. Triad Action Plan - W.7.4, W.7.5 (20 minutes)

"I can collaborate with my group to strengthen our documentary script, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed."

"Share with your triad where you placed your sticker on the Action Plan Progress anchor chart."

"Given that there are two more days of homework on this assignment, discuss whether or not you are behind schedule, on schedule, or ahead of schedule."

"What strategies do you have for completing the steps in your action plan if you are behind schedule?"

"What ideas do you have for extending the work of your action plan if you are ahead of schedule?"

"What final work do you plan on doing on your action plan tonight?"


To ensure students are making progress on their triad action plan, ask them to join with another triad to share what they have done and what they still plan to do in this lesson. Include a brief class sharing to build in accountability and modeling for all students.

See For Lighter Support. Additionally, for students who require heavier supports, provide the following sentence frames:

For our action plan we have . . . 

We still need to . . . 

Today we will . . . 

Include a brief class sharing to build in accountability and modeling for all students.


A. Combine and Revise Documentary Script – SL.7.4 (20 minutes)

“I can collaborate with my group to strengthen our documentary script, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.”

“I can choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.”

“What are some of the ways we might revise a piece of writing if we intend for people to hear it in a documentary film, instead of reading it?” (Responses will vary, but may include: We should think about how people only get to hear things once, usually, and so we should focus on making the sentences simpler and clearer where we can. We should revise our writing to emphasize certain words or sentences when we speak. We know that we can’t script everything, as some parts will depend on interviews and interactions with others. Also, we can think about how images and action sequences can add to our script.)

“How will the first three criteria on the Presentation checklist help you make decisions about the content and language of your presentation?” (The Presentation checklist focuses on “emphasizing salient points” and presenting findings in a “focused and coherent” way, which helps remind us to really focus on emphasizing what is most important in a spoken presentation.)

“What are the key findings you want to include about plastic pollution?” (For students who need more support, ask, “What did you learn about the plastic pollution? Where did you include that information in your script?” )

“Do you present your findings in a focused and coherent manner?” (For students who need more support, ask, “Do you tell the events of the action plan in order? Do you use transition words between paragraphs and sections?” )

“Do you emphasize salient points?” (For students who need more support, ask, “Do you have an exciting hook or opening? Do you end with a message and reflection on plastic pollution?” )

“Do you use descriptions, facts, details, and examples to help the reader understand your action plan and the problem of plastic pollution?” (For students who need more support, ask, “Do you include dialogue and description to make some events seem exciting?” )

“What is the purpose of the documentary film?” (To convince others to take action to stop plastic pollution.)

“How and where did you address purpose in the documentary film script?” (Responses will vary.)

“Who is the audience for our documentary film script? (Responses will vary.”)

“How and where did you address audience in the documentary film script?” (Responses will vary.)


In Closing and Assessment A, as students revise their section of their documentary script, challenge them to include at least one modifying phrase and one set of coordinate adjectives. At the end of the lesson, students can share their examples with their triad.

In Closing and Assessment A, students may be reluctant to share their section of the documentary script with their triad. If time allows, work with students to edit their section to ensure they feel comfortable sharing their work.