Instructional Resources
Look here for context on the instructional approach ELLMA recommends with newcomers, the frameworks that underlie this approach, and specific classroom strategies that provide access and rigor for newcomers.
The California ELA/ELD Framework is central to the vision for newcomers in OUSD. The resources here are a combination of materials from WestEd and OUSD that articulate at a high level the foundation upon which newcomer instruction rests.
ELLMA has created quick and easy guides for teachers on how to use high impact language practices across classrooms to support the language acquisition of ELLs. The following strategies are designed to encourage academic discussion, reading, and writing across content areas. Each guide includes a short description of the strategy, the procedural steps, timing, materials needed, possible scaffolds, keys to success and ELD standards covered through use of the strategy.
These documents serve as a resource to educators at all grade levels looking to refine or develop a newcomer program.