OUSD Newcomer Toolkit

Welcome to the Oakland Unified School District's Newcomer Toolkit. This tool is intended to provide resources to OUSD stakeholders as well as other educators working to serve newcomers, or English learners in their first three years in US schools.  This toolkit is an ongoing project of OUSD's Office of English Language Learners and Multilingual Achievement (ELLMA) and all information is subject to continuous improvement. Please give us feedback!

An overview of the newcomer population in OUSD through demographic reports, information on how newcomers are identified and defined, OUSD contact information, program design guidelines as well as external resources.

Context on the instructional approach ELLMA recommends with newcomers, specific classroom strategies, and resources for professional learning.

Resources for classroom instruction including locally developed curriculum, information on published curriculum, and assessment tools.

Tools to support a welcoming experience for newcomer students as they enter schools and classrooms as well as providing ongoing wraparound services to meet the needs of students and families.