local business

This is a tough time for local businesses. But initiatives are starting to bubble up to help.

If you are a local business or know one that needs support, please see and/or share below. And please email covidresourcebank@gmail.com with more ideas and links.

Help keep businesses afloat!!!

Crowdfunder and Enterprise Nation

Crowdfunder and Enterprise Nation are offering 100% free fundraising for businesses along with support from Enterprise Nation: http://bit.ly/CrowdfunderCovid


GoFundMe have also made a Covid-specific page to support campaigns during the crisis: http://bit.ly/GoFundMeCovid


OurPledge is working to make it possible to #PledgeAPurchase to local shops and small businesses. If you know one that needs help please email rachael@ourpledge.co.uk. In the meantime, why not call your local pub, shop, restaurant, theatre or other business and ask if they will accept payment now for something you can collect further down the line once this is all over - should they need it. Ideas so far include:

        • #pledgeapint (pubs)

        • #pledgeaplate (restaurants)

        • #pledgeaplant (gardencentres)

        • #pledgeaprojector (cinemas, sorry I know that one's a bit long but I wanted to think of a p word!)

        • #pledgeapurchase (anything!)