calming down

Guys. These are testing times. It's fair that some of us might be a little anxious. So here are a few things to offer a little calm amidst the storm. (keep scrolling down, the site has put weird gaps in and I'm not experienced enough to know how to fix them!

As always, ideas to x

Headspace Meditation

This is a very useful website and app for anyone interested in trying some very accessible mindfulness :)

Calm Sleep app

This is a handy app which gets good reviews and sounds very soothing right now. I think some of the sleep stories are read by Stephen Fry... aw.

Online cognitive behavioural therapy site

Super helpful for internal dialogue

Free emotional support from trained listeners

Online counselling:

Wellbeing advice from Mind

From the people who know:

15 min Video On Self Resourcing

Here's something simple you can do at home in 15 minutes to feel better emotionally resourced and quieten the internal racket.

It is also supportive of the breath and lungs.

Make a Worry List

As Michael Carthy, founder of Rapid Dynamic Change therapy says:

With all of the challenges we currently face, its helpful for us to focus not on what we cannot control, but on what we can control. With that in mind Michael kindly shared this self-care suggestion that you may find helpful over the coming weeks.

If you are experiencing worry: Set aside a scheduled 20 minute worry time in your day. Get a piece of paper and write two columns. One named 'Things I cannot control' and the other 'Things I can control'. Write down all of the things you are worried about, but that you realistically know you have no control over and then for each thing you've written in the 'things I cant control' column write down the things you do have control over. After the 20 minute scheduled worry time is up, switch your attention to focusing on implementing the things you can control for the rest of your day. For example....

Things I cannot control

The virus

If I have to self-isolate

Financial problems if I cannot work

Things I can control

My reaction to the virus

What I choose to do with my time if I self-isolate

Using my problem solving skills if I encounter financial problems


Michael also recommends that we:

Practice Acceptance: Practicing acceptance of what is, is a powerful tool for our wellbeing. Realising that we are capable, that we can cope with whatever life throws at us and that everything is temporary, this too shall pass, is a mindset to cultivate for resilience and mental strength. We have been here before as a species. We will come together and get through this.

Practice compassion: Reach out to the elderly, vulnerable and the isolated via phone calls, messages, offers to help in whatever way you can. Also consider what you are sharing or seeing on social media. Scaremongering or catastrophising can be common place on social platforms. Looking for ways to instead help and inspire can be great ways to share compassion during this time.

If you or any of your friends or family members are in need of some coaching or therapy, they can go to to book a session with Michael who is kindly offering a discount at this difficult time.

Pure ol' GOOD NEWS

  • Venice's quarantine and absence of traffic makes canals clear again.

The canals of Venice have become as clear as streams thanks to the absence of tourists and much-reduced traffic due to Italy's quarantine measures to tackle the Coronavirus outbreak. The bottom of the canals can be now be seen, with fish clearly visible as they weave their way through the channels of the north Italian lagoon city.

Online Guided Meditation Sessions

From Friday 19th March for one week - Anna from Calm Cornwall will be offering Online Daily Breath and Meditation Sessions for FREE.

6:50-6:55am: Meeting Opens with calming sounds

6.55-7:00am: Anna welcomes and introduces the morning practice.

7:00-7:10am: Breathing exercises to calm the mind and support healthy lungs

7:10-7:20am: Simple guided meditation


((Timing is GMT)). Join anytime.

Here’s the link for the meeting:

Here's the meeting ID: 175-604-865

If you’re new to zoom, please give yourself time to download the app onto your computer or phone.

The meeting will be open from 6:45am.

Wise advice from someone who knows

24/7 Tibetan Meditation Music

Online Courses with Wim Hof

Recommended to help with better sleep, reduced stress levels, faster recovery, enhanced creativity, stronger immune system - all of which seem quite relevant at this time!

The Seed Sistas are here to help with your Nervous System Health

Keep calm and read about how plants can help: