
In many households, the kitchen serves as the heartbeat of the home, creating an ambiance that draws people in. It offers a space for gathering and connecting over shared moments, cultivating a sense of togetherness.

Natural, locally-inspired food presents an ideal opportunity to cultivate meaningful connections. Daily meals at a communal table, whether with familiar faces or strangers, foster the formation of new bonds and lead to unexpected encounters.

Restaurant Hours

BREAKFAST: 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

LUNCH: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM 

DINNER: 6:00 PM - 11:30 PM

Tama: A Gathering of Cultures

Tama, meaning ‘here and now’ in Aramaic, is where we come together and experience an immersive culinary journey through time. Our dishes infuse Global & Middle Eastern cuisines, using local, fresh ingredients and spices once traded along the incense route, bringing Saudi Arabia’s unique flavors to life.