
The purpose of campus@WDC Educators is to share experience, ideas and resources that educators across all setting will hopefully find beneficial.

The 6 WDCs

“The development of skills ( or Competencies ) is essential to learning and education to help young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. All children and young people are entitled to opportunities for developing skills for learning, life and work.” Building the Curriculum 4

In order to prepare our children and young people for the future it is essential that we offer a curriculum that develops these 6 competencies. These competencies need to be consciously nutured and planned for through deep learning experiences. If you click on this link you will see each competency in more detail as well as how to teach using the 6 WDCs.

IDL and the 6 WDCs

As one of the 4 contexts for learning IDL is a key vehicle for allowing children and young people to develop and demonstrate these competencies. In WDC we have developed an approach for delivering IDL projects based on Project Based Learning and working alongside Single Steps Learning. These projects below have been created by Teachers as examples of how they have tried to implement IDL and Project Based Learning in their settings. Each project will take you through the Key elements with videos, pictures and resources to help explain the process from the planning stage to the evaluation and next steps. They are not polished performances rather real teachers working with our children and young people.

An Early Level IDL project exploring Science and Gender

A Primary 1 project exploring Science, Technology and Recyling

A whole school project exploring Science, Sustainability and Climate Action

A First Level project looking at creating Sustainable Communities.

What do we need to PLAY ? - Coming Soon

A whole campus project exploring Loose Parts Play and the Skills needed to be excellent players! This site is focussed on First Level Learners and The Leven Language and Communication Base.