Performance Information

Attendance was 92.86% for the year 2015-2016, up 0.15 percentage points from 92.71%.

Exclusions per 1,000 pupils rose from 30 to 38 for the year 2015-2016, however this is still well below the target of 45.

Alignment with Partners

Working with Vocational Delivery Partners and schools we aligned timetables across the West Region (East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire), to offer a wider curriculum to senior phase pupils for 2016/17.

In previous years we offered 7 subject areas, the students were offered one morning per week. With the introduction of the new timetable the pupils were offered a much wider range of subject areas, including Microbiology, Begin Make Up Artistry & Strata IT Fundamentals. Pupils would attend two afternoons per week, potentially taking two courses with a partner provider.

Attainment with partner providers maintained it's high level of 96% of our young people studying with a partner provider gaining the qualification studied.

Attainment in the Senior Phase

After a three year implementation of the new CfE National Qualifications, the implementation of the new Advanced Higher means that all schools have now moved fully to the new suite of qualifications.

Results for each level are summarised below, however, broadly speaking, attainment across West Dunbartonshire as a whole has slightly increased – with 98% of learners achieving a pass in a National Qualification.

  • At Advanced Higher, the West Dunbartonshire data shows an improvement of 1% when compared with 2015 (77% pass rate compared with 76% in 2015). As this is the first year of presentation, the comparison has been made against the “old” Advanced Highers.
  • At Higher, the West Dunbartonshire data shows an identical level of attainment when compared with 2015 (75% pass rate).
  • At National 5, the West Dunbartonshire data shows a decrease in attainment of 1% when compared with 2015 (79% pass rate compared with 80% in 2015).
  • At National 4, the West Dunbartonshire data shows an identical level of attainment when compared with 2015 (98% pass rate).

Attainment has improved in five out of our seven schools when compared with 2015.

Our most improved school is Vale of Leven Academy, who have demonstrated improvements in attainment at all levels. Indeed, at National 4, they have demonstrated a 100% pass rate for the last two years.

Results across West Dunbartonshire show a gradual closing of the attainment gap when compared with national average attainment. Indeed, our attainment in National 4 has surpassed national attainment for the last two years – with almost 100% of those presented achieving a pass.

Emerging Issues

  • Further analysis is required at school level to investigate attainment of individual subject departments including, where attainment has reduced, where uptake has reduced, and where a large proportion of pupils gained a No Award. Work should be undertaken to make better use of subject expertise in other schools across WD. Curricula may require to be reviewed to ensure that options meet learners’ needs and provide opportunity for progression and challenge.
  • Specifically, work should be undertaken in Choices to develop a curriculum which meets the needs of all learners and provides the best opportunity for presentation in SQA qualifications. The WD Senior Phase team should be consulted in order to map out college and work related opportunities for learners. Systems for tracking, monitoring and SQA administration should be urgently developed and implemented.
  • For the first time, we were able to perform an analysis of how well subject departments understand national standards and how robust their quality assurance processes are by comparing pupil estimates against actual attainment. Where subject departments had significant numbers of instances where the estimates were two or more bands outwith the actual awards, this has been highlighted to Head Teachers and will be further analysed at Leadership for Learning and Quality Improvement visits.

Some of our success stories

  • Katie Young from Clydebank High School will be attending the University of Glasgow to study English and French. Katie was successful in gaining Advance Highers in English and French this year in addition to Higher passes in RMPS and Sociology.
  • Amy Logue, after having achieved the qualifications she needed from St Peter the Apostle High School has secured a place at The MGA Academy of Performing Arts in Edinburgh. Amy will embark on a full-time HND Musical Theatre course at the academy this summer after impressing staff during an intensive audition. After gaining entry to one of the country's leading performing arts academies, the 18-year-old has already set her sights on carving out a career on stage. Amy said: “I was quite nervous for my audition but everyone at The MGA Academy was really welcoming, which made me relax. I’ve wanted to perform since I was a child and so I was excited when I heard I’d been given a place. I can’t wait to start my training so I can improve on my singing, dancing and acting skills". This demonstrates the work done by the school in promoting both curricular and extra-curricular work, celebrating Amy’s wider achievement and ensuring that it is matched to curricular and career planning.
  • Jamie Gordon, a pupil from Our Lady & St Patrick’s High School is progressing to college, after having secured the qualifications he needed. His Head Teacher says, “Jamie has always had to work hard in school and as a result of his efforts and his interest in hospitality, he has secured a place on the Professional Cookery course at West College Scotland, Clydebank Campus”.
  • Sophie MacKinnon from Dumbarton Academy is moving into the world of work, having gained the qualifications she needed. She has secured an apprenticeship with Aggreko as an Electrical Technician. Sophie went to Aggreko for her work experience and loved it. Sophie was offered two apprenticeships but opted for Aggreko because of the fabulous experience she had while on work experience.

Early Transition Support

Pilot of early transition support for disengaged school pupils results in 100% positive destinations.

With this proven success Scottish Government have now recognised that for some high risk vulnerable young people, Early Transition Support is an ideal way to try and re-engage with disengaged young people when sometimes a post school Activity Agreement can be too late.

Alex Grant (Burnside Children's Home): "You must have sprinkled your magic dust. Your contribution was excellent and greatly appreciated."