
Michelle McGinty, Convenor Educational Services.

As a Council we’re committed to improving the life chance of our children and young people and education plays a pivotal role in ensuring all of our young residents realise their potential.

Over the last year our focus has continued to be on delivering high quality services which meet the aspirations of our communities.

We have forged ahead with our school regeneration programme which has already moved thousands of children from old buildings into state-of-the-art schools constructed for 21st century learning.

We’re also continuing to close the attainment gap and ensure all of our pupils achieve their ambitions, regardless of their background. The Scottish Attainment Challenge has complemented our work locally and the additional funding is allowing us to build on the initiatives we have already put in place.

At the same time, we’re making progress in preparing our young people for life beyond school, and ensuring they are full equipped to take advantage of all the opportunities which will present whether that is within the world of work, education or training.

It is a privilege to convene the committee that oversees the work of our education establishments and I am proud of the commitment and passion shown by all of our dedicated education staff. Their efforts are continuing to ensure that we deliver for the young people of West Dunbartonshire.

The level of change nationally is unprecedented and I have no doubt will continue. Locally we have successfully implemented Curriculum for Excellence including the new SQA exams and results are continuing to increase. This time of change brings with it financial pressures for which we must plan to manage our resources effectively and efficiently and ensure that our children and young people continue to receive the best educational experience possible.