Assessment of Children's Progress

The score in standardised tests for literacy and numeracy were within the average band at all stages tested

As part of the raising attainment strategy pupils were tested at early level as part of the baseline attainment and in primary using GL assessments.

In 2016, five areas within literacy baseline showed higher results in 2016 than for 2014-15, except for Rhyme Detection, Rhyme Production and Letter Sounds which showed a slight decrease.

In 2016 in GL reading, P3, P6 and P7 performed higher than the national benchmark and P5 and S2 performance was just below the national benchmark.

At all stages performance was within the average bands.

Increase in Performance in the Early Years Numeracy Baseline Assessment

Performance in Early Learning and Childcare Centres (ELCCs) increased for nine curricular areas in 2015-16.

In 2016 at P3, P5, P7 and S2, West Dunbartonshire performed below the national benchmark.

At all stages performance was within the average band.

Closing the Attainment Gap

Data was submitted to the Scottish Government in June which was analysed and published nationally, allowing comparison with other local authorities.

Using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) measure, West Dunbartonshire Council is the 30th most deprived local authority area in Scotland.

The Curriculum for Excellence data showed that in comparison with other local authorities and considering the high percentage of children and young people in the 20% most deprived households within the council area we are performing better than expected for all components of literacy and numeracy, especially in Talking and Listening.

The high level messages emerging from the teacher judgement data are that:

  1. Over 80% of pupils in P1 achieve the expected Early level in literacy and numeracy.
  2. Over 60% of pupils in P4 achieve the expected First Level in literacy and numeracy.
  3. Over 55% of pupils in P7 achieve the expected Second Level in literacy and numeracy.
  4. Over 80% of pupils in S3 achieve the expected Third or Fourth Level in literacy and numeracy.

Further development of moderation in the BGE

All establishments and LLCs have moderation as a priority in their Improvement plans.

Practitioners are working together to plan and review learning and assessment (within and across establishments).

All Early Years, P1, P3 and P5 teachers from across West Dunbartonshire (148 teachers in total) were trained in moderation activities. They were formed into moderation partnerships so that they could collaborate in the planning, delivery, assessment and review of numeracy lessons.

An online platform (the West Dunbartonshire Assessment Resource - WeDAR) was established to allow the product of these partnerships to be uploaded and allow for sharing of good practice, a better understanding of national standards and a consistency of approach across our five learning communities.

A tiered strategy has been developed and we now have 10 QAMSOs and 9 Additional Practitioners being trained nationally. Plans are in place to use this expertise to support activities throughout WDC.

Developing a new 'Dragons Den' Social Enterprise Programme in West Dunbartonshire Council

The programme is designed to develop skills essential to learning and education and to help our young people become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

The pupils had to generate an idea and then consider how they could develop this and what they require in resources to do this. We believe that this was an effective way of engaging children in innovation.

The show case event in June 16 provided recognition to our young people locally. Kilpatrick coming out as our winners!

Inspiring Girls into Construction

Every S3 girl had the opportunity to engage with range of professionals within the construction industry at two fantastic ‘Inspiring Girls into Construction’ events in May and June 2016.

As a result of the strong partnership between hub West Scotland and Education, Learning and Attainment, representatives from Morgan Sindall, BAM Construction, CITB, Lend Lease, Heron Bros, Workspace, Veitchi and Careys kindly gave up two days to talk to pupils across the authority inspiring them to consider a career in the sector.

The construction industry is facing a skills shortage and females are sought after by large firms to help plug this gap. The events broke down misconceptions that construction only offers jobs for those with practical skills useful for trades and illustrated women are just as valuable as men when it comes to building infrastructure.

The feedback from the pupils was very positive and we hope the event has inspired some of the girls to consider a career in this area. One pupil from St Peter the Apostle said it was “absolutely life changing - I really feel like I would do this”.