Outdoor Learning In Gartocharn

This is the whole school on an expedition to Aber Beach. The water had receded to a level not seen in 40 years, exposing a spectacular beach.

Outdoor learning is at the heart of so much of what we do in Gartocharn Primary and ELC. The school has a rich history of outdoor learning. One of the original Head Teachers, Rhona Weir and her husband Tom Weir ( Of Weir's Way ), would take children on expeditions and adventures all over Scotland. We strive to continue that legacy and to take full advantage of the wonderful location the school is in. Our Curriculum and the experiences it offers is designed to fully embrace these opportunities.

How well are we doing?

In August 2019 Education Scotland Inspectors visited Gartocharn Primary School and ELC. This some of what they said "Children’s outdoor learning experiences were outstanding. Children benefit from a wide range of creative and motivating opportunities to learn outdoors. Effective partnerships support children to engage with their rich local environment. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing and outdoor spaces are used well to support positive relationships."

Our Outdoor Learning Curriculum

We have embedded Outdoor Learning throughout our Curriculum from the Nursery all the way to P7. At the bottom of each Curriculum Map there is a link to our Outdoor Learning PADLETS. If you are out with West Dunbartonshire please just request access.

Outdoor residential Experiences

Our children are given many opportunities to attend Outdoor Residential experiences. Over the course of P4 - 7 children get the opportunity to go to 2 weekend stays and 1 week long stay. We usually visit Ardentinny Outdoor Centre where the children can take part in Outdoor Adventure activities such as Canoeing, Gorge Walking, Mountain Biking and many more. As well as the activities the children get the opportunity to develop great life skills such as resilience, perseverance, effort, team work and how to make a bed!

Developing our School Grounds

Over the last year we have developed our school grounds to be fully used as a context for learning. We started with developing a fabulous forest area with the help of the National Park and Parent volunteers. We then developed our Garden area with Poly Tunnel and raised beds. As well as this we have developed a Loose Parts Area, Water Play and Den Building Sheds. Our most recent addition has been our "Cabin in the Woods" which provides us with a classroom area down in the forest.

John Muir

P4 - 7 take part in the John Muir Award scheme. . . .


We love getting out on expeditions and discovering new places and experiences. Some of our favourite places we have been have been Conic Hill, Balmaha Millenium Walk, Inchcailloch, The Dumpling, Aber Beach and Dumbarton Castle to name a few.

P4 - 7 up the top of Conic Hill

P1 - 3 Adventure to Ross Priory Woods and having fun with some risky play.

Children take part in Bikeability up to level 3 which gives them the confidence to go on Bike Journeys on Cycle paths and quiet roads.

Whole school trip to Aber Beach.

Forest School

Play and Loose Parts

P7 girls made a pizza restaurant with it's own oven. They were in high demand!

Growing in Gartocharn

Outdoor Social and Emotional Groups

Over the last few years we have used the outdoor environment as a context for specific Social and Emotional Groups. Come Grow with Me ( Dealing with Change ) was a group to support children who had to deal with significant change in their life's whether that was bereavement or separation. Come Grow with Me ( Growing Up ) was a group to support some of younger children in becoming more independent. Friends in the Forest was a group to support a group in the school to improve the relationships between them all.