How are we continuing to improve?

We have made very good progress towards achieving our 5 year Aims that we set out in 2014/15:

Raise Attainment in Literacy and Numeracy

Skills for Learning, Life and Work to be at the Heart of Our Curriculum

Improve Digital Learning

Become a School of Excellence in Outdoor Education

Effectively meet the needs of all our Learners

Have A Growth Mindset ethos

Our New 5 Year Aims for 2019 - 2024 are:

To improve STEM experiences and learning throughout the Campus

Families will have increased opportunities to be engaged in the school

Raise Attainment in the application of Numeracy

Children have increased opportunities to Lead their own Learning and develop Skills for Learning, LIfe and Work

To provide excellent Outdoor Learning experiences

Regenerate the Learning Environments across the campus

To improve children’s Health and Wellbeing


These are some of the highlights from our most recent Standard and Quality Report as well as our most recent School Validation by West Dumbarton Council.

"The children in Gartocharn have achieved excellent standards within literacy and numeracy. 100% of the children assessed in Numeracy GL were at or above the national average." Standard and Quality Report 2016/17

"The curriculum model gives learners a variety of experiences, developing a positive ethos and confidence, giving pupils opportunities to meet their learning potential. This is a key strength in the school. " Validation Report March 2016

"In reading 96.5% of the children assessed ( everyone from P4 -7 ) were at or above the national average." Standard and Quality Report 2016/17

" In addition to the academic achievements of our children we strive to provide a broad curriculum that educates the whole child. Our focus on Outdoor Education has led to a national award from RSPB Scotland as well as our second Green Flag." Standard and Quality Report 2016/17

"89% of children in P4 -7 attend outdoor residential experiences. % ( 100% of children in SiMD 1 -3 ) of children attend a wide range of extracurricular clubs. " Standard and Quality Report 2016/17

"A wide range of experiences and contexts are used to motivate learners. Provision of learning in the outdoors is a key strength." Validation Report March 2016

Gartocharn SQ format 2020-2021 schools V3
Gartocharn Recovery SIP 2021-2024 V3a (3)

A full copy of our most recent Standard and Quality Report is available here as well as our current improvement plan.

Some of Our Achievements

Amazing Things Winners for our Enterprise Work.

John Muir Award achieved by P4-7

RSPB Highly Commended Nature of Scotland Award

Our second Green Flag achieved.

Aber Walk


Our Key priorities for Improvement in 2021/22

1. Raising Attainment in numeracy through : Maths Mastery Teaching, Implementing Holistic Assessment and Maths Application Tasks and Improving our approaches to gathering Numeracy Assessment evidence.

2. Increase opportunities for families to engage with the school through: Parenting Programme, Online Learning Profiles and Embedding Learning Conversations.

3. To become a Sensory Aware Campus

4. To improve Health and Well being through: PATHS programme implemented in the nursery, HWB Targeted Groups

5. Improve STEM experiences ( SCIENCE ) through pupil led science enquiry