Strategic Outcome 1

Demonstrate the difference investments in early intervention and prevention are making for all children and young people through the measurement of robust data and progress across strategic plans. Our Local Improvement priorities are:

To create robust measurement processes for data analysis, and review current Strategic Plans across CPP partners

What we will do 2017-2020:

  • Continue development of the Strategic Needs Assessment (SNA)

  • Review Community Planning Partnership Integrated Performance Report for children and young people

  • Evaluate performance across the Community Planning Partnership on an annual basis alongside trend analysis data

What are the plans and structures that will support us to succeed?

  • Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Reports

  • Education Services Service Plan and Annual Performance Reports

  • Council and NHS GG&C Equality Mainstreaming Reports

Progress made

The WDC Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2017-27 ensures our partnership works towards 5 key priorities;

  • A Flourishing West Dunbartonshire

  • An Independent West Dunbartonshire

  • A Nurtured West Dunbartonshire

  • An Empowered West Dunbartonshire

  • A Safe West Dunbartonshire

Delivery of the aspirations and priorities set out in the plan falls to the five Delivery and Improvement Groups (DIGS), which report on action plans and activities to improve outcomes for all residents. The Nurtured DIG is the main conduit in which our Children's planning work is reported. Partners report quarterly on progress to the DIG which in turn informs the reports to the Community Planning West Dunbartonshire Management Group (CWPD).


Strategic needs analysis

This Integrated Children’s Services Strategic Needs Assessment has informed our joint planning and implementation of interventions supporting children and families. The needs assessment is aligned to the Getting It Right for Every Child framework (GIRFEC) and framed around the eight wellbeing indicators. Trends and projections are analysed and provide a broad rationale for planning integrated children’s services and to anticipate needs for future services.

For example, planned piloting of substance use and misuse programme addresses issues arising from the assessment in the S3-6 age group.

WDC Equalities Report

An integral part of our Children's Planning has been ensuring a focus on equality, reducing significant inequalities, compliance and accountability.

The Council is committed to fulfilling the three key elements of the general equality duty as defined in the Equality Act 2010:

  • Eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation

  • Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not

  • Fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not

Our Integrated plans have ensured we support children and young people to have respectful , positive relationships. The Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme supported by a range of partners on the Steering Group has ensured roll-out to all of our mainstream high schools, with developments planned to continue post COVID.

Collaborative planning on developing the young workforce and the Early Years expansion has addressed gender bias and promoted equal opportunities via Modern Apprentice Opportunities and promotion of Early Years as a career option open to all genders.

In direct response to the impact of COVID 19 on our most disadvantaged, we addressed the Digital Divide by providing 410 mifi devices for distribution in our Local Learning Communities. In addition to the 7000 devices in our schools estate, this enabled schools and ELC's to support those where connectivity and access was a barrier to engaging with on-line and remote learning.

hscp-equality-and-mainstreaming-report-april-2020 doc

HSCP Equalities & Mainstreaming Reports

HSCP is committed to upholding equalities duties as demonstrated in in plans and reports. At a time where Health and Social Care services are under increasing demand it is important to maintain and continue to focus on fairness and equity of service, while continuing to provide high quality services.