Strategic Outcomes 2017-2020

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Demonstrate the difference investments in early intervention and prevention are making for all children and young people through the measurement of robust data and progress across strategic plans.

Strengthen strategic plans in recognition of national policy directives on prevention of domestic abuse.

Strengthen strategic plans in recognition of national policy directives on prevention on young people who are looked after.

Achieve greater consistency in quality of assessments of risk and need and the formulation of plans to meet identified factors by ensuring that approaches to day-to-day quality assurance of operational practice are robust, systematic and deliver intended improvements.

Continue to fully implement Getting it Right for Every Child.

Improve the lives of children and young people (0-18yrs) by equipping parents through a comprehensive suite of parenting interventions.

Improve the lives of all children and young people (8 – 25yrs) in our communities and looked after at home.