
As part of pupils learning journey, they may be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational and cultural activities and events.

Here are some examples of recent cultural activities and events:

French Café

S1 French have been enjoying a French-style café in their languages classes in December. They have been given the chance to try some French foods and ask for these in French. For example, pupils were able to ask for "un croissant" or "un pain au chocolat" along with their drink of choice "un jus d'orange" or "un jus de pomme". Quel délicieux!

Well done to Struan Paterson in 1st place

S2 Postcard Winner - Ryan Ferreira 

European Day of Languages

To celebrate European Day of Languages 2022, the Modern Languages department hosted a Bake Off competition for S1 pupils.  Pupils were encouraged either to bake a cake following a recipe from a European country or to decorate a cake in the spirit of European Day of Languages.  The department were very impressed with the range of entries received and it was very clear that a lot of time, thought and effort had been put in to each entry. ¡Qué delicioso! Huge well done to our winners and everyone who took part! Also well done to Ryan Ferreira who won the S2 Postcard competition. Pupils were asked to design and write a postcard in a European Language. ¡Estupendo!


Before the pandemic, Mrs Coyle accompanied Amy  and Georgia to Strasbourg to take part in the Euroscola trip. In total there were 26 pupils from 23 different schools across Scotland. The pupils took part in various activities, the most exciting of which was spending an entire day at the European Parliament where we sat in the seats of MEPs and discussed European issues with pupils of various nationalities. Magnifique! Bravo les filles!

Pâtisserie Valérie

Miss Gordon and the Higher French class enjoyed a trip to Pâtisserie Valérie in Glasgow. 


Photography Exhibition at the Glasgow Art Club

The Paris group displayed their art work at the Glasgow Art Club for a week's exhibition. They took part in managing the event and developed excellent organisation skills to showcase their work.

S3 Languages and work day

S3 took part in listening to various speakers and attending workshops to explore the world of work using their language skills.

SCILT business brunch 

S3 and S4 pupils  were given the opportunity to hear from a variety of speakers who use languages in every day life in the workplace. They even got a free brunch! ¡Qué delicioso!


S2 had a go at making and tasting paella!

Cinema Trip

S1 Spanish went to see the film 'Coco' set during the Day of Dead Festival in Latin America.