Modern Languages

Welcome to the Modern Languages department...

In S1, pupils will cover the topics of:

In S2, pupils will build on their knowledge of the topics above. S2 topics include:

In S3, pupils will continue to develop the topics from S1 and S2. They will begin to look at contexts in line with National courses. These include:

Throughout S1-S3, pupils will develop and be assessed on their Talking, Listening, Reading and Writing skills. Pupils will build up short pieces of Writing on the topics covered throughout BGE.

From S1 onwards, we highlight the transferable skills that pupils develop through language learning for life after school.  Pupils participate in a wide range of activities with the aim of developing: ICT  skills, dictionary skills, ability to work in a group,  presentation skills, communication abilities and cultural awareness . Pupils may be involved in projects and events with outside agencies, as well as, having the opportunity to attend trips to enhance their learning.