Welcome to the Geography Department

Welcome to the CHS Geography department.

We offer a wide range of engaging topics within our units at BGE and in our senior level certificate courses.

Our units are regularly updated to include recent case study material and relevant statistics. You can find more detailed information about each of our courses by using the links above.

Our courses have integrated the use of ICT wherever possible to build on pupil technology skills. We add our VR experience to many lessons which allows pupils to experience virtual reality trips to an amazing range of locations.

A number of our topics include field trips and we have a selection of opt-in excursions which allow pupils to experience geographical locations and issues first hand.


Mrs McNiven - Laura.mcniven @ourcloud.buzz

Mr Bradley - Robert.bradley@ourcloud.buzz

We offer the opportunity to join us visiting the amazing Italian island of Sicily and to experience a journey up Mount Etna which is Europe's largest active volcano.