Higher Geography Course

Higher Geography is an natural progression from National 5 Geography or any other Higher Social Subject.

The Higher course provides a variety of topics.


Atmosphere: Why are the poles colder than the equator? Why doesn’t the equator continue to get hotter and the poles colder and colder? What is the impact of Global Ocean Currents on temperatures throughout the World.

Hydrosphere: There is a set amount of water on the earth’s surface, it never changes! How does water get from the sea into our taps? What effect do floods have and how can we predict them?

Lithosphere: What are the processes affecting our Coastal and Glaciated landscapes?

Biosphere: How do biological processes affect soils and vegetation in different world regions.


Population: Why is global population out of control and how can we stop it? Why will today’s 16 year olds have to work until they are 75?

Rural: How does human activity in the countryside differ across the planet?

Urban: How are our cities changing and why? What are the problems and how can we solve them?


Development & Health: Why are some areas more developed than others? How do we know? How can we help countries to develop? What diseases do people suffer from in developed and developing countries?

Global Warming: What factors contribute to global warming and what solutions can we use to reduce the impact of humans on global temperature.

Loch Lomond Fieldtrip

Added Value Unit - ASSIGNMENT

Incorporated in the National Courses pupils must complete an Added Value Unit based on the collection of information through fieldwork. The department work hard to ensure all pupils have equal opportunities to participate in fieldwork and all pupils are encouraged to attend the one day river study trip in the summer term. This allows pupils to work as a team, collect and analyse data before writing up their final assignment.

This Assignment is worth 30 marks out of a total of 90 marks. This is 33% of the overall marks for the Course assessment. The Course will be graded A–D.

River Study